Monday, December 21, 2009


Apologies for being away. Have been ill and sore all over. Finally, got over my stubborness and went to see a doctor. ALmost instant cure, but still struggling with the cough at night.

As usual, having been the medic before, thought I could save money and medicate. After all, I acquired all the necessary drugs. But I am NO doctor. Eventually, it was the doctor who knew what I needed.

So how does this apply to our journey with Christ?

Well, aren't we all guilty of thinking we know better than everyone else? Or in short, choosing to do our own will and telling God that HIS is not the ideal solution?

Everything in this world has gotten very grey. The blacks and whites are far and few, simply because we know deep down it is wrong, yet we find excuses to justify why we went on the wrong path anyway. The world has become a case of "if I can win you over with my reasoning, then my actions are justified." Funny how the world detests the path of righteousness because it is simply too difficult to put into practice.

Hence, people find SATISFACTION in the short term things. They fail to see the end point (which is eternal life if we do HIS will). They mock that the things of the earth are meant to be enjoyed, and not practising sacrifice, abstinence, or obedience. People are SATISFIED with the accumulation of material wealth, and keeping their problems to a minimal.

How sad! If people realise what God's treasure really is. It's ironic that more and more people are joining the Catholic faith, or Christianity, but they are still blinded because they choose the laws they like and disregard the rest. They simply missed the treasure marked on God's map.

Personally, I was once like that. Until the discovery of truths behind what the church teaches. I also like what Fr Rudy Wong of Novena church said at mass:"All things are lawful, but not all things are helpful".

So as I try to recover from my illness in time for Christmas, I will struggle with my own ego, and listening to what is really good for me. In this case, the will of the Lord is more ideal than my own. Thus, I shall be satisfied.

Lord, I pray for courage and strength to do YOUR will. Teach me how to be satisfied in YOU, and to be a good witness to this treasure YOU have promised us. May all who seek to know YOU be touched the same way as YOU hve touched me. Amen.

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