Saturday, December 12, 2009


Hello world! It's been a long time since I have published myself online. Many things have happened in the past 3 years or more. For starters, I have gotten married, have had changes in my career, a new house in Serangoon Gardens, and most importantly, finding God.

I have decided from this post, that it will be made more public for my friends, not so much for the attention, but to inspire them with what I am going to write.

I married my wife in December 2006. We are coming to our 3rd wedding anniversary. There isn't a day I wake up thinking I regretted this decision. I think it was the best decision I made, and the role of husband and stepfather could not have been more challenging, yet fulfilling.

My wife is a blessing. Without her, I would probably have remained this angry, think-I-know-it-all Cafeteria Catholic (meaning someone who chooses the church laws that he/she likes and disregards the rest). From Novena, to Life in the Spirit Seminar, to reading books loaned to me about Self Awareness and Conversion through Reconciliation, I never imagined feeling more 'high' from being a witness of Christ's ministry and teachings.

Before you think I am this holy moley holier than thou individual, I am very much like you, dear reader. Only difference is, I acknowledge my weaknesses and failings, and am no longer afraid to go into confession frequently to admit my faults and to seek graces from above to make me a better instrument of HIS mercy and love. Obviously, you, dear reader, can do it too. There is no competition for God's love and mercy. We are all called to worship HIM as OUR FATHER, and to spread Jesus' birth, ministry, death and ressurection for the world to hear and see. In my case, music is my medium to make my witnessing alive.

This Christmas, I have set myself a challenging task. I have done snippets of it in the past, but this time round, it's the full works: an orchestra and choir for Midnight Mass at St Francis Xavier. The bulk of members will comprise existing members and also parishioners of this church who have yet to taste ministry. My prayer would be for them to be touched by the process, and to come forward to serve HIS church.

What a year it has been. So many highs, so many lows. But what I will always feel good about from now on, is my discovery of faith. I no longer am going to trap myself in my failings, nor beat myself to death about it. I stand now, as Jesus' witness for the salvation of mankind.

May all who read this be touched by the Lord for their own conversion, and in turn be instruments in reaching out to others who desire the same conversion experience. Blessed are those who spread God's love and mercy, for mercy and love will be shown them. Amen.

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