Tuesday, December 22, 2009


This whole advent has been a roller coaster. The high point would be seeing the orchestra and choir come together. Thanks to all who helped, and the many more who worked behind the scenes.

As Christmas looms, I think the low point would be the 'what ifs'. It happens every year since I have been involved with music ministry. Some close friend of mine would fall sick, or some small mishap happens and derails the original plan of how we wanted to spend Christmas as a church community. Or, friends fall out with each other over some issue they can't see to agree on, or resentment if there was no confrontation to address the issue.

I think it makes a great depressing Christmas album to create original songs based on people's perception of Christmas. It always forces us to take stock of what we are, what we have done, and what we should do.

I only hope and pray that this Christmas, my friends will experience something extraordinary. May not happen on the night itself, but perhaps, somewhere down the road, the love and mercy of Christ will shine through the darkness.

Lord, we offer our music to you this Christmas. No matter how small, unworthy, or imperfect it may be, we give of ourselves to YOU, that YOU will touch the hearts of many this Christmas through our music and through our liturgy. Let all who open their heart to YOU find YOU and delight in YOU. Amen.

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