Tuesday, March 30, 2010


The Easter triduum draws near. If hearts are still stubborn, and mindsets don't
change, then how can Jesus be revealed in HIS glory to the individual?

At the end of it all, what is the point of hanging on to things that are evidently far from Christ's teaching?

It's time for change. Let us come in a state of grace, to draw near and take the body of our Lord.


Sunday, March 28, 2010


Pray, pray, pray...Pray not to be put to the test.

All that we have, all that we offer...It will be a gruelling week. Be mindful of anything that can distract us from our resolve.

Keep watch!

Sunday, March 14, 2010


My son's bedroom is infested with bed bugs! Eeewww!

The lesson learnt...It's part of life. I have a nice house, nice family, nice car, and a nice home feel, but the bugs will one day attack the household to make our lives just a little more complicated.

I admit I lost my cool a couple of times thinking of all the inconveniences and all, but in hindsight, I guess I just have to embrace this. Sigh!

On a more positive note, Maureen, my sis in law from England is flying in, and I am so excited to see her and have her staying with us. The rest of the extended family stay with us 11 days later. Then, this house will start to look like the Brady bunch.

I just thank God for family. I am blessed that mine is not filled with politics and power struggles. But we should pray for those families that struggle every day.

Blessed be God!

Saturday, March 13, 2010


Had a bit of 'me' time today as my wife went out with her girlfriends.

I decided to go to Novena Church for the 6pm service. Almost didn't get parking, but managed thanks to a very grumpy warden. I guess they need people like him to get traffic going.

I lined up for confession as novena went on. Been wanting to see Fr Paul Lim. Had a prompting about him a few days ago, so when I lined up, I was floored to find that after so long, he was the priest I was going to make my confession with.

Fr Lim exudes such gentleness, compassion and wisdom. I always feel 'washed' whenever I have confession with him.

Another priest that I go to frequently is Fr Fabien at Blessed Sacrament. I always bump into him at 3.30pm at the adoration room. It was cool having confession right in front of the blessed sacrament. Fr Fabien is as gentle and loving as Fr Lim.

So for those of you reading, do you want to wait till penitential service? Or is you heart ready for conversion?

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


20 years of being a musician. 13 years as a teacher. Even now, God still surprises me through my music lesson.

Had a bit of an epiphany today. I was at St Mary of the Angels Fransciscan friary teaching one of the friars the piano. He struggles with executing correctly. Poor thing. He is expected (by his superiors) to 'deliver' good liturgical music in a short period of time.

During our class last night, he kept trying to 'repair' his mistake. I finally got a little frustrated, and told him not to dwell on it and move on. The words just came out of my mouth when I said 'move on'.

Then, I started revealing to him that in performance or during mass playing, there is no way to 'repair' mistakes. Only way is to move on, simply because panicking when things go wrong leads to a bigger mess, but messing up a bar or two, and yet be able to play along with the congregation for the most part is more effective.

That's when it hit me that this analogy applies to my struggles with sin. So often, I dwell on my mistakes, that I forget that despite my sinful state, I can still train others and be an example. All I need to do is stop dwelling on the mistake (not to mean taking for granted), but MOVING ON because there are many other things that I can give glory to God for.

I thank God for this revelation.

Sunday, March 7, 2010


I played for a baptism yesterday. Kinda odd that I agreed to play because I rather do weddings. But, somehow, I said yes, and I got more in return!

In the baptismal promises, there is this question posed to us whether we choose to be mastered by sin. Obviously, the answer was that we rejected Satan, and all his works and all his empty promises. But somehow, the phrase about being mastered by sin hit me in an unusual way.

Later that evening, I received an SMS from a Catholic friend. The SMS contained a mantra inviting me to recite "I want to huat (make money and prosper in Hokkien)". Apparently, repeating this mantra, and sending it to 12 people promises instant wealth in the next 12 hours. I was, of course, disappointed that my Catholic friend chose to believe in such garbage, but I somehow instantly connected with the phrase about being mastered by sin, and it was revealed to me that this mantra - I REFUSE TO BE MASTERED BY SIN is a powerful weapon against temptation.

I decided to test it out while driving. I always lose my temper when I drive because there are just so many bad and inconsiderate drivers. This time, though, I prayed for patience, and repeated the mantra - I REFUSE TO BE MASTERED BY SIN.

I testify it is one of the most profound, powerful, peaceful and prayerful mantras I ever came up with. I never once lost my temper! I even gave way! Who would have thought I would have discovered a mantra this way.

While I was a child condemned to hell for my sinfulness, I became a witness of God's mercy and love, even through a mantra like this.


Monday, March 1, 2010


We remember how YOU loved us, to YOUR death, and still we celebrate for YOU are with us here...

Do we really?

Had a thought just now. People remember bad stuff faster than the good stuff.

It's so easy to laze at home and decide not to wake up for Mass duty. It's so easy to switch on the computer and have pornography at your doorstep. It's so easy to play computer games way past the allotted time. Cigarettes are easily accessible. Drugs, a little harder, but still available. It's so easy to gossip about others, than to say sorry for being so imperfect. Tempers flare faster than kind words.

In short, it takes a whole lot of effort to stay good the entire day, and an instant to do something bad, or say something you should not have said, or thoughts that just creep in that leave us in a daze.

Such is our world...Or is your world different from mine?