Thursday, February 11, 2010


My godson, Mark, set a new chapter in his life by flying off to Tasmania, Australia, to pursue his law degree. I am so proud of him because he always knows what he wants in life, and has understood the meaning of struggle.

My only regret was, however, getting stuck in a traffic jam, and despite prayers and rosaries, there was no way I could make it to the airport on time to see Mark off. Sigh.

I feel a sense of loss, not so much of losing a son, per-se, but more of struggling to let go of the kite string, and watch this godson of mine soar to exciting heights. I have full confidence that with discipline, and guidance, he will be all right.

But not being able to see him off made me furious, frantic, incomplete. Perhaps I needed 'closure' in a form of a hug, or a last minute personal pep talk with this boy. Thank God it was just missing an airport date. Imagine if it was a life and death, and I could not experience full closure with the people I loved; being able to at least say goodbye properly.

I would be devastated if my wife, for example (and touch wood), were to go so suddenly. I can't imagine how I would react, or what my emotions would be. Just imagine that and compare to millions of people who struggle with loss of loved ones without having full closure.

I only pray that God will be merciful to me, a dreadful sinner, to allow me to reunite with people I love when it's time. I trust in HIS mercy and love. Only problem is, my humanity will cause my faith to fluctuate. The cross I bear, perhaps, is such, and the sooner I learn to embrace and trust my God, the better I will understand the magnitude of HIS love, and faithfulness.


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