Monday, November 29, 2010


All of us are fashioned such that we need to be with people, at one point or another. Whether is it a joyful occasion, or one which requires comfort and counsel, there is always the need for people to be there for us.

Yet, the physical closeness does not always make up for something that always seems lacking. Hence, we are always lonely. We are always longing for something to fill that void. True, some of us are very inclined to Christ and His church, but at one point or another, there is that desert...the loneliness that we carry that no one seems to be able to take it away from.

I guess Christ too, must have felt lonely. And he needed HIS time alone; to pray, to ponder, to perhaps discern the will of HIS FATHER.

We too, are inclined towards doing what Jesus did. But the difference, perhaps, lies in our human-ness. Our humanity screams for pride, justice, self-righteousness, lust, greed, etc. Yet, when we are lonely, all we want is to justify our imperfections, to look good in the eyes of others. Sigh...what have we missed?

Is it so painful to turn a blind eye to justice, and to show mercy instead? Is it so torturing that a day without seeking pleasure will kill your very self? Is it so difficult to nurture purity when our habits have been tainted with lust and greed?

Answer is: HELL YES! If we do it alone, we will always remain miserable, self-pititable, and perhaps be driven to insanity. But in Christ, who shows us mercy before justice, we have the tools to cope with our imperfections.

So lonely are we...yet it could be our greatest ally when THE TEST comes. Yet, why do we cling to our own misery?

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