Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


The power to influence someone is based simply on 2 things:


Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Inside each of us, there is a GIANT waiting to be unleashed.

-Lillian Ong, Million Dollar Circle Member of NuSkin Enterprise-

Monday, May 30, 2011


This is my personal opinion, but I see it now and again...myself included.


Sunday, May 29, 2011


"FORGIVENESS is the LIBERATION of the soul." - Fr William Goh from Theology of Death


"Loneliness is the devil's best friend... When the lonely person decides to withdraw from his circle of friends, and sink into depression and despair, it is the beginning of SPIRITUAL DEATH."

- quote from Fr William Goh, on his talks on Theology of Death -

Thursday, April 28, 2011


Stay with me, Lord, for without Your presence I forget you; You know how easily I abandon you.

Stay with me, Lord, for without Your strength I fail; You know how weak I am.

Stay with me, Lord, for without You my fervour fails; You are my life.

Stay with me, Lord, for without You I am in darkness; You are my light.

Stay with me, Lord, and show me Your will.

Stay with me, Lord, and let me hear Your voice.

Stay with me, Lord, that I may follow You.

Stay with me, Lord, that I may love You more.

Stay with me, Lord, that I may stay with you. If You would have me to be faithful, stay with me, Lord.

Stay with me, Jesus, for though my soul is poor, it desires to be an abode of love for you, a place of consolation.

Stay with me, Jesus, for it is getting late, the day is ending, life is passing; death, judgement and eternity are coming soon. Now I must muster all my forces so that I do not faint on the road. I have great need of You on this journey. It is getting late and death is approaching. Darkness, temptations, dryness, crosses and troubles beset me, and Oh, how much I need You, my good Jesus, in this night of exile.

Stay with me, Jesus, because this night of life is so full of dangers and I have need of You. Grant that, like Your disciples, I may recognize You in the breaking of bread. Grant that the Eucharistic union may be the light which casts out the darkness, the force to sustain me and the one means to sanctify my soul.

Stay with me, Lord, because, when death arrives, if I cannot be really with You in Holy Communion, then I shall wish to remain united with you at least through grace and love.

Stay with me, Jesus. I do not ask You for divine consolation because I do not deserve it, but I beg You with all my strength for the gift of Your most holy presence.

Stay with me, Lord-You alone I seek; Your Love, Your Grace, Your Will, Your Heart, Your Spirit, for I love You. You alone I love. Let me seek no other reward but the increase of that love, that my love may be real and firm and practical. I ask no more than to love You with all my heart on earth and to follow You with all-perfected love for all eternity.


Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Story told by an old cherokee....

A grandfather told his grandson a story. There were 2 wolves that lived in the village that were always in battle. One was an EVIL wolf. He possessed qualities of violence, lust, betrayal, anger, false pride, ego, and deception.

The other wolf was a GOOD wolf. He possessed qualities of gentleness, peace, love, kindness, mercy, gratitude, respect and honesty.

Everyday, the 2 wolves would always engage in battle.

The grandson thought for a while, and then asked his grandfather," Which wolf will win the battle in the end?"

The grandfather said lovingly,"The one you feed."