Monday, August 30, 2010

QUOTES from Anthony De Mello...MY HERO


Is there a distinction between Catholic bones and Protestant bones? Hindu bones from Muslim bones, or Arab bones from Israeli bones, or Russian bones from American bones?

The enlightened fail to see the difference even when the bones are clothed in flesh!


Samuel was down in the dumps after being kicked out by his landlord. He had nowhere to go. Suddenly, he had an idea. He could live with his friend Moshe. The thought comforted Samuel, until it was assailed by another thought that said,"What makes you so sure that Moshe will put you up at his place?" "Why wouldn't he?" said Samuel to the thought, somewhat heatedly," After all it was I who found him the place he is living in now; and it was I who advanced him the money to pay his rent for the first 6 months. Surely the least he could do is put me up for a week or so when I am in trouble."

Then, another thought assailed Samuel," Suppose he were to refuse?" "REFUSE?" said Samuel to the thought," Why in God's name would he refuse? The man owes me everything he has!" That settled the thought for a while. But later on, another thought assailed Samuel,"Just suppose Moshe were to refuse. What then?" That was too much for Samuel, and in heated anger, he screamed to the thought,"How the hell could he refuse? The man is alive today because of me. I saved him from drowning when he was a kid. I introduced his lovely wife to him, who in turn bore him 3 glorious sons. Will he be so ungrateful as to turn me out into the streets in the middle of winter?"

The thought, however, persisted. "Just suppose..." went the thought. Poor Samuel could take it no longer, and at 2 am, went over to where Moshe and ringed his doorbell. Moshe, half asleep, opened the door and said in astonishment," SAMUEL! What is it? What brings you here in the middle of the night?" Samuel was so angry that he could not keep himself from yelling," I'll tell you what brings me here at this hour of the night! If you think I'm going to ask you to put me up even for a single day, you're mistaken. I don't want anything to do with you, your family, your house, your wife or your family. To hell with all of you!" With that, Samuel turned on his heel and stormed away.

Saturday, August 14, 2010


Sorry to have disappeared for so long. Was in a bit of a funk. So many roads. Which one do I take? Each one has its pros and cons. Going in one means giving up the other. And time is running out...Sigh.

On a positive note, I think the end goal is clear. I have a clearer picture of what my existence means for others. It's just the road (process) that I need to discern more. Back to prayer...I guess.